Panteria XII
Hardwick, VT
May 25 - 28, 2007

Where is that Dane when the wine must be poured?

There was plenty to see, do, and buy at this year's Pantieria, although we somehow managed to find lots of time to also visit with folk and enjoy a few idle pursuits in our encampment. Our thanks to Troubadour Jean de Montagne, and all of our guests at our fire, for a lively, lovely, evening! You just can't beat Panteria for relaxation.

This year's event marked the first anniversary of Haus Wanderstamm's "Aluminum-Free Zone". For an entire year now, we have endeavored to have nothing in the central area of our encampment made from that unholiest of metals; no modern camp chairs (except, of course, the ones our guests bring and take with them), no ultralight tables, and no soda cans. At this event we may as well have instead declared a "Photoshop-Free Zone", as rarely was there anything overtly modern to be seen outside of our tents. Except for "disappearing" a neighbor's green nylon tent, no pixels were harmed in the processing of these photographs!


Click on the thumbnail pictures to view larger images.

Lee, after set-up on Friday


Haus Wanderstamm,
Still Life


Lady Ninnian, looking for a "volunteer"

Playing Carcasonne on a damp afternoon

Max, trying not to look like a "volunteer"

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Photographs and other content are copyright 2007 by John Wilson unless otherwise credited.

Last updated 5/31/7.

This web site was created and is maintained by John and Lee Wilson. Removeth not the back panel; there are no user serviceable bits therein.